On May 15th I made my sister get out of bed early so we could drive to rural Madison County, Iowa for Kasey and Jojo Henke's occasional sale. Their sale and business is known as Henke's Old Crow. They rescue cool junk! It says so on the back of their very cool tee shirts! They are having three sales this year and this was the first.
What should have been a two hour drive ended up being a little longer because, well, because I neglected to bring the directions. Oops! My bad! I knew it was located on a farm outside of Earlham, IA. I knew we'd get there eventually. So while I phoned my cousin in Des Moines to
Don't worry we still found lots of cool stuff. We both bought necklaces made out of hammered out spoon bowls. Mine says "Junk Star" and Sister's says "Scrapper". That's because she like to scrapbook. Sister also found some funky galvanized buckets. I latched onto a wire basket that was huge. It was meant to wrap around a balled and burlaped tree. No, I haven't figured out what I'm going to do with it yet, but sometimes you just have to rely on your instincts! We both got t-shirts-black with an orange old crow on the front.
I introduced myself to Kasey, also known as the junk hunk, and his wife, Jordanna. We had sort of already met online. You can find them on Facebook or at their website http://www.oldcrowfarmantiques.com/. We had a great time and we will definitely visit again. Oh, and they will be at Junk Bonanza in September. Groovy, huh!
For some really annoying reason I cannot get my pictures placed where I want them so I'm just going to post them as is. I need to get this problem figured out because it makes my blood pressure shoot sky high and is extremely frustrating.
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