If we're going to "Junk Bonanza" girls, we've gotta go in style!!! We, meaning myself, sister Shelli, and Cousin Jan, had tickets and plans to hit the road to Shakopee, MN for this once-a-year junkin' blowout which was THE place to be on September 16,17,& 18th.
We need a method, or more precisely, carts in which to haul our treasure! No constant running back and forth to the car, because my hip/leg/nerve damage just won't tolerate it!!! And so began the search for shopping carts, which, of course, just had to be vintage.
Jan was the first to lay her hands on one last June at an occasional sale at Red Barn Rustics outside of Boone, IA. While attending a quilt retreat last spring in Wisconsin, the hostess was using a cart lined with a trash bag for trash. Jan thought that would be great to use outside of her 1968 camper "The Happy Hippie". "Whoa, said I. It needs a fancy, smancy fabric liner so we can take them to Junk Bonanza to carry our stuff!
Now, Jan can sew. I knew she would have no problem making a custom liner for her cart. Jan can do pretty much whatever she sets her mind to doing. She's just that kind of a gal. I, on the other hand, get sweaty palms and scream for my Momma.

Later in the summer I found one in Weston, Mo that was just what I wanted. Mine has the cutest little red wheels. They squeak. I found one in St. Joe for Shelli. That way we each had our own cart to haul our loot!
I had a vision in my head of what I wanted for the carts. Muslin, burlap, with just a tad bit of lace. (This nearly put my Mom into shock because I just don't DO lace...EVER. I never do pink either, just in case you were wondering.) Shelli didn't really have a chance for much creative input but I think she was okay with that, 'cause she knows what great taste I have!
Now I just had to get what I was envisioning across to my Momma. We flopped the fabric around, muslin first, burlap over muslin, then the lace. And add a fabric flower! She got it and I knew the carts were in good hands.
It didn't take her long to whip them out and they were just what I wanted. She was very proud of them, as she should have been! I know I was thrilled with how they had turned out!
I must say when we rolled through the crowds at Junk Bonanza we made quite a stir! We looked FABULOUS, darlings!!! We received so many comments on the carts and liners, it was amazing! Everyone wanted to know where we got them, if we bought them there, where they could get one, if we sold them...ALL DAY LONG!!!
And they also held a lot of great finds!!!